Filippo Bongiovanni November 24th, 2011
When it happened, most of you hadn’t been born yet, other yes but then you were not conscious of the messianic revelations, others had already been born and were related to the adults who had already known the universal work, but had a young age.
On November 24th 1978, EUGENIO SIRAGUSA was unjustly detained, and that was the beginning of the largest wave of sightings in that time of MAGNETIC TRACERS (no ufos) in support of his innocence, which would be then confirmed by the full formula absolution, because the fact did not exist, by the Court of Catania April 5, 1982” *
I am absolutely convinced that nobody can contradict me and I challenge anyone, with evidence in my hands, that precisely through this sacrifice, like it or not, Heaven’s most illustrious messenger of the 20th century, can also be qualified besides of his work of Revelation, strictly in Messianic in the time of all times, among those who have also submitted more physical evidence of the presence in the skies from the whole world, of this Extraterrestrial electromagnetic aviation.
In the period of his detention, which was completed on February 5, 1979, this was followed by almost 20,000 cases of sightings in the world, putting in confusion to all Italian and foreigners ufologists, especially Italy and Sicily. The beings of light responded vigorously to this injustice and developed all their aristocratic media, letting themselves to be seen and photographed in squadrons, first by officials of the forces of the order, the police, finance, carabineers, demonstrating the protection to his messenger and that they were personally speaking if men had wanted to shut up Eugenio’s voice and admonished with these constant demonstrations warning in order to be careful and not to commit more errors
The cosmo aircraft were spotted on the prison where he was staying and especially ever saw some landing, leaving the dried grass on the lawn and Eugenio from the interior of his cubicle nº5 speaking with its occupants who were outside.
The press and the witnesses evidenced especially what happened. Other cases would be unique in its genre, such as the prisoner, who promptly each night proclaimed ... EUGENIO UFO ... EUGENIO . . . UFO ... EUGENIO ... UFO...
Well, immediately after having witnessed by the umpteenth night the usual ritual, during the night he got up to satisfy a physiological need, and discovers gazing out of the window that looked on the Etna, that two large and brightly luminous BALLOONS were addressed in the direction of the penitentiary institute and of his cell.
It was so quick and fast their approximation that he took the time to cover his eyes, both because of the fear and by the enormous luminosity that emanated from them…
It was disconcerting when he discovered that on the back of one hand had such as a tattoo which did not disappeared and represented an OPEN EYE. The shock lasted three days in unfortunate protagonist and the mark on the back of his hand lasted a week. The ritual he had lived would not be repeated more, and instead he became friend of Eugenio...
The testimony of a chief brigadier who was on duty with his other colleagues and 17 prisoners, who declared leaving with a note as a testimony, that he has seen a cosmo aircraft that was nearing the penitentiary institute at great speed and it has dropped as a dead leaf on the courtyards of the prison. They saw it by at least two hours, leaving on the floor an hexagonal mark between cultivated plants, dehydratating them.
The curious fact, and that precisely the chief commander on duty in question, gave the alarm with a heartbreaking voice, giving to the guard the command to fire.
He had not had the time to position himself, when the Cosmo aircraft would disappear at an enormous speed. And I could continue but I think that we can leave it like this and give the exact measure to phenomenon ... After his release, Eugenio as well tells us: "One day I was called BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE penitentiary institute in PERSON AND told me ... I ASK YOU MR. SIRAGUSA, DO NOT PLAY ME UGLY JOKES, I WOULND´T KNOW WHAT TO SAY IF YOU DISAPPEARED AS CAGLIOSTRO DID ... WHAT WOULD I SAY TO MY SUPERIORS ... ....!!!???
What would happen after these months? What I have yet narrated and remembered...!!! How many still today are asking, what is the content of the Extraterrestrial Revelation, which has being developing, and how we can relate it and/or get closer to the Messiah.
"They are the Comforting Angels - said Eugenio – they are the collaborators of the Comforter promised by Jesus Christ". "THE WORD OF THE CONSOLER BECOMES HUMAN WORD" The Holy Light of the Holy Eternal Truth, justice and the love of the Kingdom of God, is on earth and in the middle men. Repent yourselves, because it is true that the Comforter, Judge of truth and peace, is behind the doors of this time and this generation.
Truly, he had to come, and, in truth, in truth I say unto you: his Divine Light is in the world. He is already active in the Truth and in Justice, according to the divine designs of the sublime creative Father. Repent men, because it is also true, that his Celestial Militia works edifies and monitors, so that the Supreme Holy will happens. You remain fair and advised and prepare your souls to the purification and acceptance of the Supreme Truth that the light of the Divine Spirit will build in your hearts and in your minds. Remain pure, gentle, charitable and love one to another with joy of spirit and the peace in the hearts and souls, because, in truth, in truth I say to you: this was the time of his arrival in the world to glorify in truth the Divine work of Christ the Savior of all souls of the world, the firstborn of creative light and eternal of God. Praise and rejoice, men, and let him praise high in the heavens and in the eternal Beatitude of the infinite love of the Heavenly Father, all your expectations for peace and for the good of his sublime Divine Justice. Enlighten your hearts and expectation of the Great Day, pray, pray, pray with all your soul, because it is finally true, that who is repentant and has been built on truth, justice, love and charity for himself and for his neighbor, will be saved in his eternal soul, until the day of the great FINAL JUDGMENT.
(Catania, 15-8- ' 64)
From Heaven to Earth.
Eugenio Siragusa
Eugenio, from what I have been granted to know, visited two times the notary, this was the first time.
“I am not a mythomaniac or a man of science fiction. I am not an exalted, neither a liar nor an ignorant. I am a "contacted" with the task of disseminating the what is given by the One, from what I understand, has absolute power in heaven and on earth.
This committed that I develop since 30 years ago, is loaded with sacrifices and suffering, of strife and bitterness. In spite of everything I have not bowed the knee, overcoming fears and hatreds, misunderstandings and subtle persecution.
This act that I make is perhaps the last and the most "important" of my mission, my unconditional love for mankind on this planet. I have a sacred duty to realize the Gentlemen, that an unimaginable force and with unthinkable powers, constantly and actively monitors the development of this serious situation, created with the crazy nuclear arms race and nuclear proliferation, always growing, of this order of destruction and death.
The presence on the Planet from these gentlemen of the space looks mainly to prevent degeneration capable of annihilating inexorably life in this world. It is my knowledge, that a forced conditioning and a radical "mutation" of the current situation is possible, in order to prevent the recurrence of another huge catastrophe that would eliminate, totally, the breath of life on this planet.
It is also true, as I know, that their mission is limited to the specific task of "stopping the current progressive involution", already dangerous to the stability of the Cosmo physical and Cosmo dynamic of the Solar System.
I understand to what extent is difficult to give credit to what, through this written statement I say, and it´s also difficult to really interpret this act of love of mine. As the prophet Jonah did as his time, I make no more than repeat his history and this time without disobey. I think I have done my duty and I hope, from the depths of my heart that you comply with yours".
Eugenio Siragusa
I am not a riddle, not a magician, an astrologer, or a holy man. I am a friend of the man! I am a simply traveler and I carry water to the ones who are thirsty for truth. I am nothing more than a simple interpreter of the love that calls love.
I am not big, but little in the eyes of God and men. I give you nothing mine but rather what has been given to me, what has been entrusted to me to be able to grasp, today more than ever, the truth of the time of all times. I will never ask anything in exchange for what I give to you..
I only ask you to listen, to meditate and to deduct; you always have the freedom to determine. I do not impose any creed: I offer and discuss in full freedom, with a fraternal compression and with love. My teacher is not of this world. I am a friend of the man, if, and I give to you a scented rose which never fades, a symbol, an eternal truth.
Eugenio Siragusa
The extracts are reported in the books: Eugenio Siragusa the CONTACTED and truth and persecution of Siragusa ... in the cover of the book . . .The CONTACTED by provision of a higher will, Eugenio wanted to include the following written "THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO, HAVING INCORPORATED THE MESSAGE BY EUGENIO SIRAGUSA, INHERITED THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH"
It was August 1978. The place of the regular meetings was filled with brothers and sisters who have come from every part of Italy and the world, almost to pick up the last fruits born of a planting of about thirty years of incessant work. But Eugenio, smiling, even if he threw a palpable fatigue that was perceived in every gesture, every word, he had nothing more to say, nothing more to give.
He had said and given everything they had to say and to give, and like the good sower hoped that in each one of us emerged the outbreaks of maturity, of conscience. There were so many people, that warm evening of Sicilian summer, and with us were also two young foreigners, present in material, but absent in the spirit. Strange, everyone watched them as to grasp what none of us had the courage to think or to admit ... Also Eugenio considered them with a love which was dyed of sadness, with the desperate desire of their redemption.
In their eyes was the icy court of a sharp blade, tinged with hatred, revenge, betrayal ready to blow up in all its unusual violence. A long table ready, lots of fruit, lots of bread, meat and fish and abundant wine of the Etna filled our eyes and our hopes of a sweet atmosphere that we have already lived long, long time ago ...
Another fair, donor of life and love, offered his last bread and his last wine before being delivered into the hands of the executioners. We ate, drank and we were listening to the word of the one who looked on with a sad, and a strong presage well in our hearts. In the end, while we listened a Gospel’s passage recorded by a well-known actor of Italian art, the disc - as a prophecy is stuck on the words: "and you Judas you’ll betray me ... and you Judas you’ll betray me... and your Judas you’ll betray me ". A shiver traveled to all present, and Eugenio, sitting in the middle of us, complete our concern by saying: “And here, in the midst of us, there is already someone who betrays me".
Instinctively, the eyes of all turned toward the two young foreigners: they were adjacent to the door, participating in the last supper of the twentieth century, but the cowardice of Judas forced them to leave ... Curiously, they got up and, without looking to none, came out in the open air, followed by the eyes of all.
Thus, for many of us, awaken by the word of that just who had given himself to see us saved, that was the last supper. A fistful of dollars, equal to the 30 silver coins of a long time, were offered to whom had been paid to the game of the dragon.
It was not difficult to find the corrupt and corruptible, which, driven by the greed of the money, that approved the systems of modern times to facilitate the work of the betrayer. Press, television, radio ... the modern means of a global dissemination led where the heading of the lie: "it is a fraudster! A liar! A poseur! It is a violator of women! The whole world, taken by surprise, was willing to point the finger on him, to vomit and add libel on libel, accusations over accusations, and complaints on complaints.
His unwavering figure that was brimming with truth, honesty, the clearest moral and spiritual correctness, was affected by the mud most ignoble and put in the dock before a humanity blinded by the barbarity of a corrupt spirit; their buds of truth vomited and trampled precisely those who had received for years, or had pretended to receive them ...However, the teacher of the teachers had taught us: "Do not give the pearls to pigs to chew them, and after having chewed, they will turn against us" !!History was repeating itself. The morning of the November 24, 1978 the sun was shining on the housing of Eugenio and seemed to caress the figure of the man who in serene wait, was walking outside the front gate of the house. Follow the path of entry, he felt with gaze deep everything that for years had accompanied him in his divine work of awakening: plants, flowers, the distant sea, the "great mother" that that morning was gasping stronger than usual ...,
The white doves were fluttering above him, the two dogs that seemed to understand and ran nervously forward and backward. Then, a rumble of cars, the noise of brakes, and the ringer sounded. Outside the door there were two big cars and eight men. They came to him, who was serene and smiling: seemed to be much taller than usual in their spiritual grandeur. "Who are you looking for?” he asked. "We are looking for Mr. Eugenio Siragusa ". "I am. I was waiting for you".
And as a thief, they carried him outside. Thus began the Calvary of this man, which had the only blame of having imitated the passion of Christ.
He was arrested a Friday and was born a Friday, March 25, 1919, on the day of the Annunciation.
The same day of the arrest of Eugenio Siragusa, Mount Etna volcano erupted with violence that for years was not seen: the rivers of lava fell toward the sides and the layers of the opposite side of Nicolosi, where the Contacted and their academics friends lived.
The lava fell to the environments of a small village in the province of Catania, called Zafferana. While the inhabitants of the village abandoned their houses and other monitored the direction of the rivers of lava, some gathered in the streets and in the streets of the village began to shout at the office of the police: "LIBERATE HIM! ", "MAKE HIM GO OUT!" , " HE IS INNOCENT!" , " BEFORE THE LAVA WE IMMERSE US”
La lava descendió hasta los entornos de un pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Catania, llamado Zafferana. Mientras que los habitantes de la aldea abandonaban sus casas y otros vigilaban la dirección de los ríos de lava, algunos se reunieron en las calles y en las calles del país y empezaron a gritar ante la oficina de la policía: "LIBERENLO!”, "HÁGANLO SALIR!" , « ES INOCENTE!" , « ANTES DE QUE LA LAVA NOS SUMERJA!".
... But one of the "doctors of the law", who was presiding over a court of men, was one day illuminated and was struck by an inner voice that the intimated: "careful! Attentive." .! Be aware to make damage to this man that you so easily have been tried, believing with lightness to vile accusations.”.! Attentive.”! Attentive.”.
That inner voice acted as a sword in the chest of that "powerful man of the law" and fear began to make him slipp. How can he silence that voice?" How can he prevent that a huge mistake continue to shoot even more the life of that right.”.? ...
The cubicle number 5 was the "home" of the Messenger of God of the 20th century. . .He was put into abstinence as to the most vulgar of the criminals, on a wood bank, within a narrow "vault", pending the trial of his executioners: or free or imprisoned with the accusation of plagiarism, cheating, violence ... But between the four walls there was the Consolation of who with devotion Eugenio had served and was still serving, in imitation of his sacrifice and of his passion, after having suffered the same vile accusations. There, printed on a wall, the face of Christ took care of him, with a smile of consolation and the penalty of the suffering that he shared ... very clearly the crown of thorns around his head, the long hair, beard ... and on top of that Divine Face three crosses.
He closed his eyes won by an intimate, deep emotion, forgetting the hunger, the cold, the dream that for two days he was forced to suffer. As well he found his food, drink, warmth in the face, at the three crosses..
"The 555" :
5, The number of the cubicle he was confined on 28/11/1978.
February 5, 1979, provisional release.
April 5, 1982, trial
555, the antagonist of 666, the number of the beast.
555, The number of the new preacher, the "bulwark" of God, the new John, the announcer of the return of the Redeemer.
555, The number of That who will guide the battle of ARMAGHEDON, with the banner of Christ and his celestial legions.
555, The number that who will bring the victory against the Prince of this world and of his ANTICHRYST´S henchmen.
Woe unto you, who are supporters of the evil one, because there will be no escape. Your flesh will be set aflame with the invisible fire and your spirits will perish in the second death. The world will shake each unclean thing and the titanic forces of the heavens and the earth will separate the wheat from the tares, so that the separation of the one and the other will then bring the Divine Justice. Wheat will embellish Lord's Table and the tares will continue to feed the fetid viscera of the chained beast. Woe unto you, sons of death."
Mr. Siragusa, against all odds, was quiet, serene, as if he was not on trial the next day:
"I can assure you that the serenity that I have at the moment within me, is incredible. I could be shot down, hypertensive . . . However, a time for this part, I feel inner tranquility ... serenity ... Being the process tomorrow, I should be nervous. On the contrary, in spite of my health has not been resentful, it has eased, I´ll watch the last chapter of Jesus of “Zeffirelli" and tomorrow we will see ...
Jesus has willed that my process will develop in the same period that he was tried. It was written and transmitted: because of my name you will be persecuted, insulted, accused of falsehood and brought before the courts My heart is at peace and my spirit calm because they are aware of God's designs. History repeats itself, but this time is different from what it was, where the absence of human compassion put to death on the cross to the lamb of the love and universal peace.
... I heard a voice calling from the opposite cell: "Eugenio, eat this fish: it's good. AND through a friend, makes me reach through the bars a fish dish ... that I see as a piece of his heart. Since the first day, this creature has had for me the same urgency of a guardian angel. Their eyes clear skies, light-filled fixed in the heavy door of my cell, worried about my needs; I see it as you can look at the face of Christ on the cross, which in the spasm of the immense pain is still pronounce the word "love".
A young face, with the suffering painted in the eyes; a face I will never forget, because it is already part of my face; his heart is part of my heart and his pain has become my pain. I will be as I can his comfort and the lymph of his hope. If he gets out, my days will be also his days, my peace also his peace. The thousands of letters and telegrams that come from any part of the world are my comfort, but it is a privilege that I would not want to have, because I cannot accept this, I cannot give it to others who may need it more than I do. But I do it for them; I will do so, so that they can feel that they are
are in my thoughts, loved by what they really are: Men.
*** This is my testimony in order not to forget......!
The judgment of acquittal after the arrest of November 24, 1978 CATANIA April 5, 1982 of the judgment in the First Instance of the Court of Catania:
The Witness of the Eternal Present
Filippo Bongiovanni
From the sentence on first instance, from Catania´s Court
The Criminal Court of Catania sez.:
composed of Messrs.:
1 - Dr. . Iezzi Giustino - President
2 - Dr. . Chiarenza Domenico - Judge Est.
3 - Dr. . The Rosa Gioacchino - Judge ........... I
t has pronounced the following judgment in the criminal proceedings against Siragusa Eugenio ........... It therefore reiterates the formula full acquittal of the warned, "because the fact does not exist".
P. Q. M.
The Court, on art. 479 CPP
Siragusa Eugenio del delito imputado porque EL HECHO NO EXISTE.
Eugenio neighbor of San Leo in Nicolosi
The Glorious emblem before its closure become in 1978