Truth mustn't be sold and neither be bought...Quality not quantity...Blessed all who believe without see and without touch

Who we are and what do we want?

We don't we sell you anything!
We offer, and everyone can accept or reject.
It’s not in our culture to impose and we religiously respect freedom of thought, because we know that is the right of every man.
We don't sell anything and we don't want to buy anything.
The truth is not for sale and not to purchase; it can be conquest with love, patience and wisdom. It isn’t part of our great ideals trading the truth. We are free souls, eager to encourage souls which are on our plan and which have developed essential values to be at least good and clean of each low human damage.
We want to self realize our life with the methodology that Jesus Christ has taught us to have his Peace, Love and Justice.
Our studies have a conduct line that we don't want to share with those who have another, even if we respect it.
Flying disks are not for us only mechanical media, they are something more, that we want to assimilate. The trial of the other will formulate, don’t affect us or discourage us, on the contrary, they encourage us to perseverance to feel the need to be free, but really free.

Without a doubt, the disbelievers will not agree, neither the speculators, but we don’t care, because we don't need the quantity, but quality!
Those who are unable remove by themselves. We want peace, but also justice; because we know that without justice there cannot be peace.
We want to learn, from those who know more than us, everything that we want to teach us to feel really, men and brothers in the Great Cosmic Truth.
We are against war, against disharmony of nature, against racism and against everything that removes the happiness and peace to Humanity. We are against science without conscience and against the religious and political hypocrisy.
These are the teachings that give us all those who everyone calls: "Martians". We learn with the same love with which the teachings are given.
That's who we are and what do we want.

Eugenio Siragusa
May 9th, 1972